INTI IU's student paper brought to you by the Fourth Estate!

Hostels Like Canned Sardines

Yuga scours the hostels blocks and unveils its obvious, overcrowding ...

Let's Talk Fences

The Asterisk gives you the dirt you need on the fences...and a little bit more.

From the Mail Box: Postgraduate Injustice

Dr. Sia responds to David Goh's suggestions that INTI are intentionally not awarding scholarships to Asian students.

Financial Engineering

Engineering students are paying too much for their tuition fees. Naheeda Suddoo reports on the nightmare that the finance office can't solve.

New Club on the Block

INTIMA welcomes a new baby to the family, INTI Punjabi Society. The Asterisk analyzes the repercussions of allowing the club to exist.

Latest Posts

By Sandheep Nair

Dr. Sia Ah Hiok, Associate Vice President of Student Services and Alumni Division has questioned INTIMA’s reasoning to petition for the removal of the fences that have been installed in the rear blocks of our campus.

(Standing, right) INTIMA President Sree Shaarmen
INTIMA started gathering feedback from the students regarding the issue of the newly installed fences since before Chinese New Year. The student government, now in its second semester, is hoping to gain support for their campaign to take down the fences.

“If students are not in favour of the fences, INTIMA will start a petition and hopes to receive 2,000 signatures to show our dissatisfaction,” said Sree Shaarmen, President of the 15th INTIMA.

Dr. Sia though believes that the student government is a representation of the students and need not petitions to further their initiatives.

“INTIMA as a body is there to represent all of INTI’s students. I do not understand why they would need 2,000 signatures when they themselves would be enough,” she said.

2 Responses so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    i rather think that it is necessary, to show the student's support for INTIMA, and sheer number do make an impact most of the time.

  2. Anonymous says:

    @Anonymous: Yeah you're right, big numbers can make a big difference. But I can sort of see where Dr. Sia is coming from. It's sort of like how the representative democracy of the US works -- you elect people whom you think can deliver on what the students need. The voting/election itself already should be enough to tell whomever it is that students mean business. As representatives of the school, they're doing the job for us. But yes, fair point.

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