INTI IU's student paper brought to you by the Fourth Estate!

Hostels Like Canned Sardines

Yuga scours the hostels blocks and unveils its obvious, overcrowding ...

Let's Talk Fences

The Asterisk gives you the dirt you need on the fences...and a little bit more.

From the Mail Box: Postgraduate Injustice

Dr. Sia responds to David Goh's suggestions that INTI are intentionally not awarding scholarships to Asian students.

Financial Engineering

Engineering students are paying too much for their tuition fees. Naheeda Suddoo reports on the nightmare that the finance office can't solve.

New Club on the Block

INTIMA welcomes a new baby to the family, INTI Punjabi Society. The Asterisk analyzes the repercussions of allowing the club to exist.

Latest Posts

The Asterisk received reports this week of student abuse of INTI facility. In the space of just two days images of toilet rolls being abused were sent to us.

Bad behaviour.
First, students threw toilet rolls about at the male toilet at Academic Block A, Level 2. And then, we received images of a burnt toilet roll in the urinal at Student Centre, Level LG (next to the Hair Salon).

The images can be viewed The Asterisk's brand new Flickr page, here.

Ms. Lillian Tai of the Student Affairs Office (SAO) informed me that it costs more than RM5,500 a month to provide toilet paper for all of the toilets in the Academic Block and Student Centre.

Perhaps some of the newer INTI students should be taken back a few years to a time when we weren't provided with toilet rolls in our restrooms. Times were tough, bums were wet. I don't want those days back!

INTI's job is to provide us an education, everything else is just a perk. Unfortunately, some students' caveman-like behaviour may lead to us losing one of those perks.

If this were to happen, who can we blame other than ourselves?

The Crooked Asterisk is a column written by editor-in-chief Sandheep Nair. The views of Sandheep are strictly his own and do not reflect the views of The Asterisk or the general INTI population.
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Associate Vice-President of Administrative Affairs of INTI International University, Mr. Danny Lee has confirmed that from June 2011 onwards the field at INTI will no longer be available for use.

The decision was made as there are plans for the field to be turned into "service apartment and retail outlets", 15th INTIMA confirmed via their official website.

The field, nicknamed INTI's second swimming pool due to the frequency of waterlogged pitches, is unfortunately not owned by INTI.

Depending on construction costs and INTI's financial performance, a field may be laid next to the Learning Resource Centre (LRC).

Regardless of the construction however, effective June 2011 INTI will rent out the field owned by the Nilai Town Council and provide transportation to the facility.

The issue of the field has been raised many a time by students during Students' Forum. The management had previously responded that there were plans afoot to develop the field at the aforementioned land next to LRC.

Unfortunately, the management did not react fast enough to avoid what will be a tough few months for the famous frisbee and soccer teams at INTI IU.
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