INTI IU's student paper brought to you by the Fourth Estate!

Hostels Like Canned Sardines

Yuga scours the hostels blocks and unveils its obvious, overcrowding ...

Let's Talk Fences

The Asterisk gives you the dirt you need on the fences...and a little bit more.

From the Mail Box: Postgraduate Injustice

Dr. Sia responds to David Goh's suggestions that INTI are intentionally not awarding scholarships to Asian students.

Financial Engineering

Engineering students are paying too much for their tuition fees. Naheeda Suddoo reports on the nightmare that the finance office can't solve.

New Club on the Block

INTIMA welcomes a new baby to the family, INTI Punjabi Society. The Asterisk analyzes the repercussions of allowing the club to exist.

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By Thomas Liew

The student's are not the only ones upset by the fence issue.

An interview with a student helper from Accommodation Office (AO) has helped unveil another side of the story of this controversial event. According to them, the move to put up the fence was quite a sudden move which they were not informed of. They said their duty was not to make a decision of what to do but more rather, to carry out the orders from the higher authorities of INTI.

Clustering of students based on gender will be enforced whereby female students will occupy the blocks in the rear of the fence while the male students will occupy the forward halls of residence.

However, as a result of miscommunication, the students were left in the dark but as Accommodation Office was quite clear in being only the employee who carries out orders quoting that it was “unfair to just blame them only.”

(Above) Dr Sia
“It is important that the students think objectively and rationally and to use critical judgment,” says Dr. Sia, Associate Vice President of Student Services, citing that the students move to spread rumours and rash conclusions based on speculations is quite unnecessary.

The issue of erecting the fence was further complicated by the fact that the decision to raise it up, bypassed the key figures of the management. As such, it can be said that INTI’s senior management was not informed by this.

The management is currently looking into the matter and has urged students to put aside their speculative and emotional mindsets and address this problem together, rationally and objectively.

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