INTI IU's student paper brought to you by the Fourth Estate!

Hostels Like Canned Sardines

Yuga scours the hostels blocks and unveils its obvious, overcrowding ...

Let's Talk Fences

The Asterisk gives you the dirt you need on the fences...and a little bit more.

From the Mail Box: Postgraduate Injustice

Dr. Sia responds to David Goh's suggestions that INTI are intentionally not awarding scholarships to Asian students.

Financial Engineering

Engineering students are paying too much for their tuition fees. Naheeda Suddoo reports on the nightmare that the finance office can't solve.

New Club on the Block

INTIMA welcomes a new baby to the family, INTI Punjabi Society. The Asterisk analyzes the repercussions of allowing the club to exist.

Latest Posts

This story is a follow up to The Asterisk’s previous story about the engineering students’ fee schedule.

The engineering students previously faced some issues regarding the fee structure for their January 2011 semester.

The Asterisk can proudly reveal that the Finance Office have now divided the fees and fixed the previous mistake. The new fee schedule accounts for a three semester calendar year based on a four year engineering degree program.

The Asterisk commends Finance Office for the quick response in the matter. The one week response shows that for all the complaints, the INTI departments do have the potential to respond quickly.

This situation did in fact prove that “where there is a will there is a way.”

Students interested in finding out the new fee schedule are gladly invited to the finance office to get further enlightenments.

Students interested in finding out the new breakdown of fees are invited to visit the Finance Office.

By Naheeda Suddoo

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